As followers of Christ, we must listen to the voice of God spoken in the Holy Scriptures.  We hope you find the following spiritual reflections enlightening.

The Noblest Man that ever lived

In High School I studied the play Julius Caesar.  I had to act out a part of the play when Mark Antony finds his friend Julius Caesar murdered. These are some of the words I had to memorize and I still know them by heart today… “O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, That I...
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Will you do this in memory of Jesus?

Would you like to join my mission of encouraging people to pray at 3pm, the time Jesus died for us? I have this dream of people all around the world, meditating on the Passion of Christ and standing at the foot of the Cross of Jesus each and every day in memory of the greatest...
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Have you lost Jesus?

In this reflection I consider ways in which we lose Jesus in our world.   The world’s way is commonly NOT God’s way.  Consider the following… Results, Process and Effort  The world focuses on results.  Have you ever had a boss who said, “Get to the goal, I don’t care how you get...
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A Miracle for a young teenager

As a young teenager in high school I was afforded an interesting opportunity, I represented my school in a “United Nations” learning experience. Each school invited to this UN learning experience was to represent a country.  My school called “Immaculata High School” named after...
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Are you stressed?

Today let Jesus comfort you as you place all your worries in His hands. Let me tell you something that will likely make you laugh.  (p.s. this is the truth).  As a young woman in my early 20’s I imagined God to be very busy. With so many things for Him to do, I didn’t want to...
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Circumcision of the Heart

St. Paul spoke to the people about a circumcision of the heart “In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not performed by human hands. Your whole self ruled by the flesh was put off when you were circumcised by Christ, having been buried with him in baptism, in which...
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Blessed are the poor in spirit…

Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:3 God gave us the Law (the Ten Commandments) and Jesus now stretches us further to become the people He truly wants us to be. Go back in time and consider the days before Jesus was born....
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Searching for a new life with Jesus

There was a turning point in my life when I felt I needed to refocus my talents and energies on different work.  I had been working for over 20 years in the world of business and I wanted to make a contribution to the not-for-profit sector.  Like most people I tried to apply for...
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Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy is, in my opinion, the name that describes Jesus the best.  Jesus is Divine and Jesus is Our Merciful Lord who suffered so much to open the gates of Paradise to us. “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”  John 15:13...
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The Gaze of Jesus from the Cross

Every day at 3pm, the time Our Lord died on the Cross, I pray.  I walk the Way to Calvary as I meditate on His Passion and then I stand at the foot of the Cross looking up at Our Holy Lord suffering for our salvation.  Do you ever wonder what Our Lord saw from the Cross, as He...
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