Jesus said, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me." Luke 9:23 Following are some real-life testimonies from people all over the world carrying their cross with the help of Jesus. Some of these stories may make you cry. Life can be so difficult, but Our Lord Jesus is never far away. Remember Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28 It is my hope that these witnesses will help you to grow in compassion and understanding. It is my hope that you will want to pray for them and for people coping with similar problems.

Life with Anna

I am a mother of four wonderful children, the youngest of whom has Down’s Syndrome.  Anna was born on a mild October evening in 1984.  My pregnancy had been serene, and I was not prepared for the abrupt announcement of my obstetrician – “You’ve got a mongoloid kid there!”...
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A Global ALERT – We MUST RESCUE the Children!

I want to acknowledge the humanitarians, politicians and journalists that are trying to alert the world of the URGENT NEED to help migrant children displaced by war who are in refugee camps alone, unaccompanied and without loved ones! Let’s start with an image of a child...
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Christian Genocide in the Middle East

In March 2016, a report was presented to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry denouncing the genocide of Christians in the Middle East. The report signed by many important interest groups presented evidence that documented the: assassinations of Church leaders mass murders and...
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The pain of unrequited love

Most of us at some time or another will know the pain of loving someone and not having that person love us back, at least not as we had hoped to be loved.  I choose to write not about the details of my situation as much as how this pain of loving and not being loved in return has...
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The Cycle of Grief

When injustice happens it’s likely that we will feel angry.  Anger is one of the stages in the cycle of grief and sometimes it can grow into a debilitating and crucifying condition. I figure I lost more than a decade of my life to anger and depression.  The anger was caused by...
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Jesus Christ’s Global Peace Plan

As Pope Francis meets with Israeli and Palestinian presidents today to promote peace, we encourage all Christians to remember the revelation of Jesus Christ asking all Christians to unite in prayer at the time He died on the Cross for the salvation of all souls, 3pm.  Jesus said,...
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Violated by a bad priest, Heal us Oh Lord!

Many people wonder where is God amidst the scandals, the financial corruption and the sexual abuse in the Catholic Church? Many people have left the Church feeling betrayed.   For awhile I left too, but I have returned because I want to receive the graces of Jesus in the...
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When Mental Illness takes your Mother

In the front hall of my tar-paper house where I lived when I was five years old we made a small altar and placed a picture of St. Theresa the Little Flower with a small vase of fresh-cut flowers.  It was such a joy to kneel on the floor in front of the little altar and pray…....
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Depression, despair, hope and healing

For most of my life I have battled depression. I am not a health care professional so I do not write as clinical doctor. I write as an individual who has suffered serious depression. I want to tell you about it because if you have never carried the cross called depression (and if...
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