
What A Peaceful Revolution in Jesus Christ is all about

The world ‘revolution’ comes from the latin word ‘revolvere’ which means to ‘turn around’ and create significant change be it political, technological, economic or even spiritual. A Peaceful Revolution in the Name of Jesus Christ is all about creating a ‘change of heart’.

God promised us this:

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.” Ezekiel 36: 26-27

God wants obedience, but obedience to God comes only through the power of God’s Holy Spirit changing the heart into a heart that desires God’s love and desires to please God.

The ‘new heart’ that God speaks of in the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel is a heart that Jesus died to give us. The ‘new heart’ comes from the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus died to redeem us of sin and to give us ‘His Sacred Heart’ and ‘His Holy Spirit’.

To become ‘truly Christians’ we must become ‘Christ-like’. A heart that is ‘Christ-like’ is a heart that is full of LOVE, MERCY AND COMPASSION.

For some these words are but over used words that mean almost nothing.

Let me tell you a bit about my story because I truly believe that the privileges that were given to me were meant for you too! So enter into my story as if it were your own.

My spiritual conversion began almost seventeen years ago. I was in a serious personal crisis at the time and I needed God to save me. I was praying when God spoke to my heart.

I heard a voice in my heart say:

“What is love?”

To this question, I answered “Love is a feeling”

To this, the quiet, gentle voice I heard in my heart said “wrong”.

So I asked “What is it then?”

And God said,  

“Love is a choice”

The rest of the conversation occurred without words. Through the power of the Holy Spirit I understood God to be saying that ‘Love is proven by the choices we make’. If our choices please God then these choices are ‘Love’ in action.

The ‘new heart’ that Jesus wants to give us is a heart that thinks constantly about the well-being of others. The new heart is ‘unselfish’ and ‘generous’ and willing to ‘sacrifice’ to help others.

My conversation with God was for me a ‘wake-up call’ to examine my life and the choices I was making and to consider even the choices I was not making.

I chose at that point in my life to begin to do volunteer work. It was a choice to begin giving something back to the community. What I didn’t realize then was that I would be receiving much more than I would be giving. I was beginning my spiritual journey where God would be slowly but surely changing my heart.

In my volunteer work I met young people living on the streets. I didn’t know how to be ‘truly compassionate’ for I didn’t understand their pain and their struggle but I listened and they opened my heart.

“Do you do drugs” asked one young man.

“No I don’t” I responded

“Oh, I have never met a chick that didn’t do drugs. I do drugs with my mother on the weekend” the young man explained.

A pain entered my heart as I stifled the words “Oh NO!” My heart sank. Getting a ‘new heart’ required new insight into the pain of others and this insight would not come without heartache.

In that time in my life I decided I needed to go on a ‘spiritual pilgrimage’ not fully understanding at that time that ‘life’ is a spiritual pilgrimage.

I flew my family half way around the world to a little town nestled in the French Pyrenees mountains called Lourdes, France. Lourdes is a place where the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette. It is a place of many miracles.

It was in Lourdes that I experienced the Passion of Christ in a very special way. In Lourdes the Passion of Christ is depicted in a series of large statues called Stations of the Cross. You walk up the mountain as you walk the Way to Calvary and you stop to pray at each of the statues depicting an event during the Passion of Our Lord. This experience moved my heart so much that I cried as I walked from Station to Station.

At Lourdes I saw many sick and disabled people.  Everywhere you looked there were people in wheelchairs and on stretchers hoping for healing and for miracles. During my walk up the mountain to the place of Christ’s crucifixion I thought of these sick people and I prayed ‘Make miracles Lord’. And within seconds of praying that prayer this is what happened.

It was as though an angelic force lifted my chin up to the sky. It was a beautiful day. The sky was blue and clear and I watched as two clouds began to move. One moved to the right and one moved to the left to create a diamond shape of blue sky surrounded by white clouds.

I watched as something of bright light began to form within the diamond shape of blue sky. A Cross of perfect angular proportions formed over the blue sky surrounded by the white clouds. It was like peering into a keyhole of bright light. Then the Cross vanished and as it vanished it was like the sky was pulled to the side like a curtain being drawn and I saw many people standing in solidarity looking down at the Earth. Above the people was God smiling with the Virgin Mary. I saw all this at a distance that did not allow me to discern facial features but I did feel like I saw God The Father and Jesus standing side by side.

What did this feel like?

For a few minutes (or longer) I was not conscious of anything but what I was experiencing.

I experienced all this just before the Station where Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem. Just before this Station Jesus consoled me showing me how His Cross opens the gates of Paradise to a Kingdom where people are united in His love and are praying for the people on Earth.

I continued my walk to Calvary and I cried as I saw Jesus being held down by soldiers being crucified. My heart was pierced by sorrow and I truly believe that remembrance of the Passion of Christ will pierce the heart of every true believer. That’s how we get the ‘new heart’.   We must understand the price Jesus bore to redeem us and to transform our heart.

This experience ‘sealed my fate’ as a disciple of Jesus Christ. I would become someone dedicated to keeping the memory of the Passion of Christ alive! I am now in my tenth year promoting the Word of God to anyone who will listen.

I left Lourdes with a picture of Jesus I displayed in my home. Every time I looked at the picture Jesus spoke to my heart two words and those words were:

Trust Me

As a ‘high control’ person, learning to trust Jesus took quite a bit of time. I was so used to making choices based on my gut-feel that it took time for me to slow down and try to discern God’s Holy Will.

Every day, I go to Calvary in a spiritual exercise that pierces my heart. Jesus has given me a memory of His Passion that is with me perpetually. I know that one day His Cross will open the door to His Celestial Kingdom in Paradise where I will meet all the redeemed souls.

I urge you to join A Peaceful Revolution in the Name of Jesus Christ that is uniting followers of Jesus all over the world in a moment of true Christian solidarity. We stop every day at the Time Jesus died for us, 3pm (in our local time zones) to take a walk to Calvary as we remember the greatest love the world has ever known and will ever know, the love of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. At this time we pray for the salvation of all souls. We pray for the Holy Spirit of God to silence the power of evil in our world so that we can end violence and live in peace with God and man.

Thank You Jesus for loving us so much that You would die for us! Give us Your Heart Almighty Lord so that we can change the world through the power of Your Love! In Your Holy Name Jesus we pray!


Please learn more about the peace movement that is uniting Christians into ONE HEART every day here.