
A Prayer for Our Children, Our Families and Our World

Let us pray together for the safety, health and well-being of all the children in our world. Let us pray for a world that is safer, for an end to violence and war, especially violence against our children.

Holy Lord, God of Hope and Infinite Promise,

We come to You today to ask for a special blessing on all the children of our world. We pray especially for our children that are suffering, that are sick, that are afraid and alone. Please send them apostles of Your love and mercy to assist them and protect them. Please bring healing where there is suffering and hope where there is despair.

Give the children an opportunity to learn about love so that they may grow to be loving, peaceful members of our world. Help them to know You and see You in the people that care and provide for them. Fill them with joy, free them from all fear and anxiety so they can smile, laugh and learn to be all that You want them to be. Protect them from evil. Send them legions of angels from heaven to shield them from danger.

Many of our children have yet to be Baptized in Your Love. Jesus they do not yet know You formally, but let that not deter Your Holy Spirit from entering their hearts and minds so they can be full of Your peace, hope and love. Let them be generous, merciful, grateful and kind and one day give them the gift of faith so that they can understand how much You love them and want to help them to live lives of great dignity and honour.

We place all our trust and hope in You Jesus! Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon our world in such urgent need of Your Love and Mercy. May Your Infinite Power silence the power of evil and create peace, protection and blessing upon us, especially upon our little ones, so innocent and pure, so naturally loving and good.

In Your Name Jesus we pray, we trust, we hope and we love!

“… For all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27