
The Womb called “Imagination”

Ideas and thoughts enter into a womb called imagination in order to be transformed into actions that either give glory to God or not.  Great inventions started with an idea, a fragile little seed, that entered into the womb called imagination and were gradually transformed as the idea began to grow and mature.  These incredible transformations are made possible through the grace of Our Lord Jesus.  Jesus gives us little inspirations and then He gives us the grace to grow the inspiration into action that honours Him and ultimately from the womb of imagination Jesus gives birth to LOVE.

Evil also follows the same path.  An evil thought enters the womb called imagination, but this time Satan is nurturing that evil seed helping it to mature into SIN.   Sin doesn’t generally just happen, it’s a product of our thoughts and reasoning.  It’s also a product of what I would call “mistaken identity”.

If we don’t know who we are, how do we become who we are supposed to be.  If you don’t believe you are a valuable, precious member of God’s family, will you be focused on honouring God?  I know Atheists who don’t know God, yet they seem to live honourable lives.  So even though they don’t know God, God is there in the womb called imagination helping them to conceive of lives of honour.

My husband used to ask me this question.  I used to hate it because it seemed to me he was being overly jealous.  He used to say:  “Who do you belong to?”  The answer that was supposed to come out of the womb called imagination was instantly:  YOU!

One day, my husband asked me this question as we stood in front of an altar I had created in my home for Jesus.  He said, “Who do you belong to?”  And I felt this rush of pure freedom as I announced the truth:  “I belong to JESUS!”  And he said, “I know.”  And we never had to have that conversation again.

We all belong to Jesus!  We are the work of His hands.  “Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.”  Isaiah 64:8  God is the master sculptor.  Why then are we not all masterpieces?  My answer is because we don’t know who we belong to.

God won’t force Himself upon us.  We have to choose to belong to Him.  We don’t need to search for an identity if we understand this.  But if we don’t understand that we belong to God and our mission is to LOVE then we can and will conceive of sinful lives because Satan will prey on our sensual natures and make us lust not love.

I remember asking God many years ago to purify my thoughts and you know what He did?  He cleaned out my bookcases.  I got rid of many useless magazines that were focused on telling women how to be externally beautiful and find more sensual pleasure.  I refilled the shelves with books about God so I could understand the source of eternal joy and as I read more and more about Jesus, I fell more and more in love with Him.  He filled my imagination with thoughts of love, of mercy, of forgiveness, of a world reconceived by His kindness and I began to pray for people that had hurt me.  I prayed for the grace to be able to forgive, to find peace where closure was not possible and God answered my prayer.

What do I love about you? Even though I don’t know you, I can answer the question.  I love your potential!  Your potential is unlimited IF AND ONLY IF you choose to belong to Jesus.  Let the womb of your imagination be full of His holy inspiration and you will conceive of a life that gives God glory.  You will honour Him because you will understand that You are His precious child, the work of His hands.  Let Him work to conceive holy plans in the womb of your imagination.  Let your imagination soar like the eagle.  May God’s holy inspiration enter you this very moment and help you reconceive of yourself, your potential, your life, your purpose on earth.  God bless you!