
As followers of Christ, we must listen to the voice of God spoken in the Holy Scriptures.  We hope you find the following spiritual reflections enlightening.

Understanding God

The Bible is key to understanding the true character of God. “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” 1 John 4:16 God wants a relationship with His people and that relationship is a “lo...
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My Valentine’s Card to Jesus

Holy Lord on this day when the world celebrates love, my heart is with You! I want to thank You for loving us all so much that You would die for us. I realize that saying we love You isn’t as important as showing You we love You. I understand now that “love is a choice”, a choice...
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The relationship between compassion, understanding and love

A compassionate person is moved by another person’s situation and responds with acts of kindness, mercy and love. If someone were to suddenly fall down on the street, compassionate people would typically not just look and stare but run to their assistance. However if that person...
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Overcoming the Seven Deadly Sins

The following reflection examines what are commonly called the “seven deadly sins” and how we can, through the grace of God, overcome them. Sin #1, #2 and #3 – Lust, Pride and Greed vs. the Virtues of Love, Humility and Charity “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh...
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Happy New Year! God Makes All Things New!

God wills for all His children on earth to be victorious and to inherit His gift of eternal life. In the following Scripture from the final book of the Bible, the Book of Revelation, we learn of God’s plan to restore all things to their former glory. “And I heard a loud voice...
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The Holy Family and the Desire of all Nations

Do you know what it means to be holy? Only God is holy and we can only be holy if we are fully dedicated to God, dedicated to serving Him and doing His holy will in all things. The Lord is calling you this very day to be holy: ‘Be holy because I, the LORD your God, ...
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Emmanuel “God with Us”

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel” (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:23 “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful...
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Past, present and future

The Past – Escape it or embrace it? Hate it or cherish it? If you have had a difficult past then perhaps you want to escape it. Perhaps you have been abused and hurt and so you may harbour feelings of anger and hatred. If you have had a past full of love and joy then you are...
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How Jesus loves His Bride

God who is immune of all needs imagines His Bride and out of desire He creates her – male and female.  He loves His Bride so much that He creates a world of abundance for her.  Nothing would be spared for His Bride, His creation. All of God’s creation is a sign of His love...
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A Beautiful Woman

Let me tell you about a truly beautiful woman that captured my heart. This woman was a victim to great tragedy. She had been shot. She was shot in the face, at close range, by the man she loved. Miraculously she survived the shooting, but she was so disfigured by the violence of...
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