
How Jesus loves His Bride

God who is immune of all needs imagines His Bride and out of desire He creates her – male and female.  He loves His Bride so much that He creates a world of abundance for her.  Nothing would be spared for His Bride, His creation.

All of God’s creation is a sign of His love and His love is passionate and kind, but the Bride of Christ is deceived and is unfaithful to her Creator.  Nonetheless the Bridegroom’s love does not fail.  He will rescue His Bride for He knew from the beginning that evil would tempt her and that she would fall.

Taking on the flesh that He has given His Bride – male and female, Jesus enters the world to take on all of the sins that would keep them apart.  But His Bride does not recognize Him immediately.  The Creator walks amongst His creation, full of wisdom and love, and He is rejected, mocked, persecuted and killed.  Before He dies He tells His Bride that she will never be alone for He will send His Holy Spirit into the world He created for her to guide her, to teach her and to comfort her.

The gates of Paradise are opened by the sacrifice of the Bridegroom who is faithful and true.  The Bride of Christ repents of her sins, grieves her unfaithfulness and waits patiently for the eternal reunion with the Holy One who imagined her, created her, loved her, sacrificed for her, waited for her and always knew she would come back to Him with all her heart.

Let it be, Bride of Christ…Let us return to the Holy One who made us, who suffered for us and who promises us a Kingdom of Peace for all eternity.  How can we ever be worthy of that kind of love?  May that question live forever in our hearts and minds and may our every action flow out of love for the Holy One, Jesus Christ, who never gives up on His creation, His Bride, His Church.

“I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion.”  Hosea 2:19