
The Gift of Today

Try not to lose today to the pain of the past.  All of us carry some baggage; we have scars that life has imposed on us. People have hurt us, tragedies have happened and while we may have forgiven and tried to move on, the pain and the consequences of past relationships and choices may remain.  Sometimes we are hurt in childhood and we are wounded psychologically.  Sometimes we are hurt as adults and we are emotionally scarred.  It may seem like the past will always encroach on the present.  That’s what Satan wants, but it’s not God’s plan or His desire for us!

I understand what it means to be haunted by the past, but I am determined to call on God every time the past resurfaces to steal another precious moment. Let’s surrender our pain and problems to Jesus and ask Him to help us to see this very moment as a fresh start to create a new memory, a new opportunity.  Let’s tell Jesus how much we love Him. Let’s attach our suffering to the Cross of Christ and hold His hand as we courageously live today as a gift to honor Jesus.

Remember you are precious to God. “We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own people.” 1 Thessalonians 1:4