
Answering God’s Call

I remember one Sunday after Mass there was an incident in the Church parking lot. One of the members of our church experienced a problem with his keyless car door opener. It was not working. Immediately I saw a flock of men around him working to help him. Some were even engineers. I don’t know why but I was standing in the background watching this good deed in progress. Everyone was determined to help this elderly man, but suddenly I saw that they were all saying “I’m sorry” and leaving. Now this man was left alone working himself on trying to open the door. So I approached him.

I didn’t know how to fix the technical problem either but it struck me that the bigger problem was that he was now stranded without a way to get home. So I offered him a drive home and we went to get another key that did work and then we returned to get his car. Sometimes when can’t fix an obvious problem, we fail to recognize that a bigger problem exists.

We have many big problems in the world. The biggest one is that God is not loved as He deserves to be loved, for if Our Lord Jesus was loved the way He deserved to be loved there would be no sin, no violence, no war, no injustice. Now we can walk away and say to God, “Jesus I don’t know how to fix any of these big problems.” We can put our heads in the sand and mind our own business, but that’s not the truth and it’s not what God wants!

Let’s go back to the parking lot; there’s a man with a car issue, but the bigger issue is he can’t go home. In the world the biggest issue is that souls may be at risk of not going home to be with God because they are perishing. The mission of Jesus is to save souls and to give all souls the gift of eternal life, but what’s in the way is a lack of repentance and reconciliation. Every Christian has a role to play in saving souls and one of the most important things we need to do is pray!

That’s why I am advocating that Christians all over the world stop as One Body of Christ to pray at the time Our Lord died for us, 3pm, if but for a few moments seeing Our Holy Lord dying on the Cross for us. This very day there are so many of our neighbours suffering in the world. Again we can choose to be blind to this suffering, we can walk away and assume we can’t fix their problems. UNDERSTAND GOD CAN FIX THE WORLD’S PROBLEMS! If we don’t believe in the power of God to help us, then we have no faith. If we don’t believe in the love of God to answer our prayers, then we don’t understand how great is His love and how much He wants to answer our prayers.

As I write this there is a war between Israel and Palestine. For those of you who read the Bible you will understand that the Arab nation and the Jewish nation came from one biological father, Abraham. (See the Book of Genesis) So what does that make Arabs and Jews? FAMILY! They are from the same paternal ancestral root and they both belong to One HOLY God – Jesus! I look at the media reports and I see suffering people, especially vulnerable little children on both sides of this conflict and I wish the whole world could unite in prayer to help them. I wish all people could find a way to end hatred and realize that truly the promised land for all people is HEAVEN!

Jesus will one day judge all of us and as Christians let’s not be guilty of walking away from problems we should be addressing. Let’s stay focus on the big picture and on our mission to help Jesus to save souls. Our God is a God of peace and love, a Father who desires His children to find ways to reconcile with one another and with Him. Jesus Christ is the living God who died a brutal death by crucifixion to reconcile us with God by paying the price of our sins. For Jesus all things are possible! Let’s pray every day for peace in Our World.

At 3pm, in your local time, stop if but for a few moments (if that’s all you have) and see your Saviour Jesus Christ dying on the Cross for you. Thank Jesus for dying for you!  Pray for God’s mercy and for His gift of salvation upon all souls. We cannot be blind to the many problems in our world. We must unite in prayer to conquer the forces of evil that manifest themselves in all types of violence and hatred and injustice. Let us call out for the mercy of Our Saviour, Jesus, for His Holy Spirit to change our hearts and to change our minds so that we can live out our purpose to give God glory and to help all souls find their way safely to the promised land – Heaven with God!

“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23