Wisdom from the mouths of babes
Here are some quotes from children that I have met via the privilege of preparing them for their First Communion and First Reconciliation.
Advice to her fellow classmates, “You can run from God, but you cannot hide.” Age 10
Learning that we are one family called “Christians” a little boy responded, “Well if we are one family, then we should love each another.” Age 8 Another little girl aged 9 said, “Being Christian is being Jesus.”
When asked what “Lord have mercy” means, a little boy answered, “It means, Jesus please give me another chance!” Age 8
When asked how do you pray, a little girl said, “Every night before I go to sleep, I tell Jesus I love Him and thank you for dying for me.” Age 8
When asked what is your dream in life, a little girl said, “My dream is to see Jesus!” Age 8
Let’s let all children see Jesus through our love for them!
Let the children come to Jesus! He loves them so much!