As followers of Christ, we must listen to the voice of God spoken in the Holy Scriptures.  We hope you find the following spiritual reflections enlightening.


I truly believe that the pathway to personal success and fulfillment is hindered if we do not know our ‘true identity’.  All roads lead somewhere, but are we on the right path? One day Jesus asked “Who do you say I am?”  Luke 9:20 St. Peter answered, “God’s...
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I invite you to consider the opportunity for your faith and prayers to change our world for the better, to silence the power of evil, to stop violence and hatred and to create faith, hope, love and healing in our world.  Imagine a world where Christians of all denominations stop...
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Give Jesus a Chance

This is what God promises if we give our lives to Him: He will fulfill the deep desires of our hearts. “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 Jesus teaches us that true fulfillment requires a surrender and trust in Him. “If you...
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What the world needs now is GRACE, GRACE, GRACE! What is it? Grace is THE GIFT OF GOD’S LOVE AND FAVOUR. It is His blessing and holiness bestowed upon us, although we are unworthy, to save us, to purify us, to strengthen us, to sanctify us, to teach us, to inspire us, to guide...
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Come to the Banquet of Love

The night before Jesus died He celebrated a sacred meal with His apostles. St. Paul told the people about what had happened: “For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he...
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The Divine Banquet and The Wedding of the Lamb

YOU ARE INVITED to a Divine Banquet with God Himself! Treasure this invitation for God is inviting you to share in a sacred and intimate celebration. That’s what the Lord’s Supper is; it is an invitation from God to come and celebrate the greatest love the world has ever known...
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Trust is the foundation of all relationships. We build relationships that endure with people that we trust and esteem and love and there is no one we should trust or esteem or love more than Our Holy Lord Jesus Christ. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your...
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A Blessed Life

What would you say a ‘blessed life’ is? Upon learning that Mary has been chosen to be the Mother of Our Saviour Jesus Christ she declares: “For He has looked with favor on the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed.” Luke 1:46 The blessed...
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The Good News of Jesus Christ

May your soul be refreshed, your mind reassured and your heart consoled by the Good News of Jesus Christ. Let’s begin with an important question: Who is Jesus Christ? On the night Jesus was born an Angel of God announced His arrival to the shepherds watching their flocks. The...
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The Mercy Movement – In Jesus’ Name We Pray

What our world needs now is MERCY, MERCY, MERCY – the Mercy of God! A Peaceful Revolution in the Name of Jesus Christ is a global prayer movement that is uniting believers of Christ every day at the Hour of Mercy, 3pm, the Time Our Lord Jesus died for us. At this time, we pray...
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