

Imagine that you, your family, your children, your friends were in the middle of a war zone. You try to put on a brave face for your little ones who don’t understand what is happening, but you are scared. You are caught in the middle of a conflict, you don’t want to be in. This scenario is real for people in our world living in war, surrounded by continuous threats of violence.

If you believe in God, then believe that God wants peace, not war. God wants reconciliation, not hatred. God wants violence to stop!

Please join me today and every day in praying for peace in our world and remember the people living in war zones suffering and in such urgent need for the mercy of God.

Let us unite at 3pm everyday because 3pm is the Time Jesus died for us. It is the Hour of Mercy. If you cannot stop at 3pm locally then choose a time zone that works for you and pray like you have never prayed before! Remember the children who are suffering, who are sick, who are injured. Remember their families. Imagine how scared and how alone they must feel.

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Remember when Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27

In our world today there are divisions and roots of hatred and ongoing violence and wars that only God’s infinite love can resolve.

Jesus did not die on the Cross to leave us orphans in a world where there is no hope for peace and joy.

Let us unite every day at the Hour of Mercy like one family in Christ, bringing to Our Lord Jesus all our needs and let us never forget our neighbours who are suffering in places of war and violence.

Remember Jesus dying for you and for me and for all souls and know that His love is unstoppable! His love is divine mercy!

Jesus we trust in You and we come to You asking for an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit to silence the power of evil in our world, to stop violence, to create peace and to bring healing and new beginnings for Your glory Holy God. In Your Name Jesus we pray. Amen


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