
A Letter to Jesus

Holy Lord, I come to you with sorrow for my sins and great hope in my heart in Your infinite love for our human family.  When I look at the state of our world I grow more concerned that the power of evil is triumphing over love in so many places where wars and violence destroy lives and the promise of peace seems to vanish in cities where rubble replaces what was once homes filled with joy and love.  Our healthcare system is challenged by so many incurable diseases and people suffer with medical interventions that do not cure.  We need You!  We need Your divine intervention to stop evil and violence, to bring new healing, to open our hearts and minds so we can know that this life is a stepping stone into a destiny that is eternal.  If only all souls could know that heaven is REAL and that the choices we make today not only matter but they pave the way to heaven or hell.

Almighty God You did not create humanity to perish, yet when I look at our world I see so much impurity not purity, lust not love.   Anger and hatred are manifesting themselves in a pursuit of vengeance.  Profit motives are paramount and safety and security is too often compromised in the process.

Jesus, You are Our Saviour!  Save us O Lord!  Heal us O Lord!  Make miracles Lord and open the eyes of the blind to Your infinite power and Your love so endless and unstoppable.

Mighty One Your mercy is everlasting!  We need You now to intervene.  Make Yourself known.  Let us be witnesses of Your Love so we can prepare the world for its ultimate destination – Paradise!

For Your Glory God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit intervene to bring healing where there is pain, peace where there is violence, knowledge where there is ignorance, courage where there is despair and hope for all souls in reaching a destination where we can all be safe for eternity.

Reveal Yourself Beautiful Lord Jesus!  Reveal Yourself for Your pure satisfaction, for the salvation of souls, for the restoration of our world, for the joy and peace of all people.  For You all things are possible!

I can only imagine how much You must want to save the lost, heal the sick, comfort the afflicted, and bind the wounds of division that cause so much pain and destruction.

Save our world Lord Jesus!  Show us Your Way Almighty God!  Be our protection, our strength, our courage, our healing, our light in the darkness.  May Your infinite love and Your infinite power be poured out to change our world in such urgent and desperate need for Your intervention.

Make miracles Lord for Your Glory, for the conversion and the salvation of souls!

We were not created for perdition.  We are Yours and You are Our Beloved God and in You we place our trust and our hope.

May Your Holy Will triumph over the power of evil and darkness this very day!

In Your Holy Name Jesus we pray!

We love You so much God and We trust in Your love!